25L Capacity: 41cm Height, 28cm Width, 26cm Depth
Ideal For: Compact and lightweight for gym, work, and trips
Fits: Trainers, towel, clothing, wash bag, drink bottle, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, skipping rope, snacks, headphones, 15" laptop
Customizable: Patches section for slogans and names

45L Capacity: 48cm Height, 34cm Width, 29cm Depth
Ideal For: Gym, work, and trips
Fits: Trainers, weightlifting shoes, towel, clothing, wash bag, lifting belt, meal box, protein shaker, 2x 750ml bottles, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, skipping rope, snacks, headphones, 17" laptop
Customizable: Patches section for slogans and names