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How To Do A Pistol Squat With Perfect Form

Wie man eine Pistol Squat mit perfekter Form macht

Bodyweight exercises have become more common since the closing of gyms and pistol squats are an excellent way of maintaining or building leg strength if you don’t have access to weights. They target the glutes, quads and hamstrings while also...


A Third Of New Lockdown Runners Report Feeling Calmer

Ein Drittel der neuen Lockdown-Läufer gibt an, sich ruhiger zu fühlen

Regular runners will remember the waves of new footfall on their usual routes at the start of the first lockdown last spring. Although there might have been some bitterness about having to share the roads and trails, it was cause...


How To Qualify For The 2021 CrossFit Games

So qualifizieren Sie sich für die CrossFit-Spiele 2021

CrossFit have announced a big shakeup to the Games calendar this year. With all the changes, it’s become pretty confusing how you actually get to the big event next summer.To clear things up, here’s a rundown of the qualifying process...


How A Record-Breaking Cyclist Reached His Best Fitness In Retirement

Wie ein rekordbrechender Radfahrer seine beste Fitness im Ruhestand erreichte

Roger Cull hatte sicher nicht damit gerechnet, dass sein Karriereende im Immobilienbereich Weltrekorde brechen und Weltmeisterschaften als Straßenradfahrer gewinnen würde. Abgesehen von gelegentlichen Tennis- oder Squashspielen und dem Herumjagen seiner Kinder war der Australier tatsächlich überhaupt nicht fit. Aber als...


Mobility vs Flexibility: Which Should Athletes Focus On?

Mobility vs Flexibility: Which Should Athleten Focus On?

The terms mobility and flexibility are often promoted as key areas for improving injury resistance and range of movement. Many people use the two words interchangeably, often unaware that they mean two very different things.  That leaves us with the...


How Connor McGregor Got Fit To Fight Dustin Poirier

Wie Connor McGregor für den Kampf gegen Dustin Poirier fit wurde

Conor McGregor hadn’t fought in over a year before stepping into the octagon with Dustin Poirier last month but still arrived in Abu Dhabi in magnificent shape. The 32-year-old has never missed a weight-cut in his career and is known...


5 Ways To Stay Motivated During Lockdown

5 Möglichkeiten, während des Lockdowns motiviert zu bleiben

If your motivation is slipping during lockdown, know that you aren’t alone.A lot of athleten have reported feeling less excited about their training. It’s easy for workouts to get repetitive and each day to feel the same. That’s why it’s...


What Is MetCon & How Does It Get You Fit?

Was ist MetCon und wie macht es Sie fit?

MetCon has become such a popular method of training, particularly among CrossFitters, that Nike now even have their own range of “Metcon” branded shoe range.It stands for Metabolic Conditioning and has actually been around for over 40 years. Here, Built...


'I Force-Feed Myself' - What Mat Fraser Eats At The CrossFit Games

„I Force-Feed Myself“ – Was Mat Fraser bei den CrossFit-Spielen isst

Die CrossFit Games sind ein Wettkampf, der die Athleten ein ganzes Wochenende lang an ihre maximale Leistungsfähigkeit bringt. Es ist nicht einfach, dafür zu tanken. Mat Fraser war der erfolgreichste Einzelsportler in der Geschichte der Spiele, und sein Ernährungsprogramm ist...
