#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Series
Kick off 2025 With Your Training Partner Warm-Up Start with 3 rounds of controlled movements to prep your body: 50 Alternating Single Unders 5 Squat to Stand 10 Push-ups (or kneeling push-ups) 10 Alternating Cossack Squats (2-second pause at the...
Jake Dearden's Week of Workouts
Train like a pro for a week by following 5 whole days of training from the hybrid King himself, Jake Dearden. Whether you're new to the HYROX space or an experienced athlete, give this week of training a go and...
#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Master Trainer Series
Warm-Up 3 minutes bike erg 2 rounds of: 10 air squats 5 chest to floor walkouts 30 second plank Strength 5 back squats every 90 seconds x 8 Coach notes:Load from a rack. Start light and increase to a 5RM...
Introducing Jake Dearden's Week of HYROX Workouts We are thrilled to announce a special feature for the Built For Athletes community: a full week of HYROX workouts curated by none other than Jake Dearden, HYROX Master Trainer and Team BFA...
#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Master Trainer Series
Advice from Jake: This workout is effectively a HYROX event split up into 4 sections. This allows us to push hard knowing each section is only going to last anywhere between 12-20 minutes. I recommend HYROX weight for all exercises....