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#WOTW: Jonny Pain Series

#WOTW: Jonny Pain Series

Hybrid Athlete Training Plan – Sample Hyrox Workouts Below are three sample training days taken from a 6-day-per-week Hybrid training program. Feel free to try them, but remember—these workouts are best experienced as part of a progressive program. Day 1...


Who's Really Hybrid?

Who's Really Hybrid?

By Jonny Pain And so we arrive at my final article of this series for Built For Athletes. My goal with these pieces has been to provoke some thought around how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive training, often presented...


Half HYROX Simulation

Half HYROX Simulation

The Half HYROX Sim Whether you're a HYROX beginner or an experienced athlete preparing for your next race, it doesn't matter how experienced you are—it's time to add a Half HYROX Simulation to your week of workouts. Perfect for benchmarking...


Jake Dearden: A Week Of Workouts

Jake Dearden: A Week Of Workouts

Team BFA's Jake Dearden has delivered the goods again with a FULL week of training to reach your maximum potential. Whether you want to finish 2024 off with a bang, or save and dive straight into it in the new...


Hybrid Training With Jonny Pain

Hybrid Training With Jonny Pain

Hybrid training pushes the limits of strength, endurance, and versatility, and it's the perfect preparation for events like HYROX. This month, we’ve designed a snapshot of a hybrid athlete’s training week to inspire your routine. While a typical week may...


A Guide To Changing Up Your Fitness Routine

A Guide To Changing Up Your Fitness Routine

Different Types of Exercise: A Guide To Changing Up Your Fitness Routine If your workouts feel that little bit less exciting or your progress has plateaued, it’s time to shake things up. Incorporating a variety of exercise types into your routine doesn’t...


Jake Dearden's Week of Workouts

Jake Dearden's Week of Workouts

Train like a pro for a week by following 5 whole days of training from the hybrid King himself, Jake Dearden.  Whether you're new to the HYROX space or an experienced athlete, give this week of training a go and...


#WOTW: HYROX Training Workout

#WOTW : Entraînement HYROX

Entraînement HYROX Préparez-vous à la course avec cet entraînement inspiré de l'HYROX, parfait pour développer l'endurance, la force et la puissance. Partie 1 : Endurance AMRAP (45 minutes) 1000 m de course à pied 1000m Ski Erg 1000 m de...


Jonny Pain's Week of Hybrid Training

Semaine d'entraînement hybride de Jonny Pain

Prêt à vous entraîner comme un athlète hybride ? Les séances décrites ci-dessous intègrent tous les concepts abordés dans l'article de Jonny Pain : Une plongée plus profonde dans l'entraînement hybrideet servent de modèle pour une semaine typique d'entraînement hybride....
