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Training Log News

6 Essential Tips For Running A Marathon

6 Essential Tips For Running A Marathon

Running a marathon is one of the most iconic sporting challenges on earth. More and more people are putting themselves to the test over the 26.2-mile distance, with 1.1million people having done so in 2018. There are some simple, common-sense...

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5 Tips For Improving Your Deadlift

5 Tips For Improving Your Deadlift

The deadlift is a fundamental exercise for any gym-goer as it engages so many muscle groups. However, it can be a complicated move to master. When performed properly, deadlifting increases both lower and upper-body strength but if your form isn’t...

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Pre-workout nutrition

Pre-workout nutrition

Feeling lethargic & tired going into a workout can massively impact your performance and ultimately mean you end up wasting your time. Here are Built for Athletes’ fundamental tips on what to eat before a workout.

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