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Gut Health and Stress: What You Need to Know

Gut Health and Stress: What You Need to Know

By Moz Neumann Marathon season isn't just about staying fit and injury-free, make sure you're looking after EVERY aspect of your health... When considering sports nutrition, it’s essential to take a wholesome approach to health, performance, and recovery, keeping both...


5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immunity This Winter

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immunity This Winter

By Moz Neumann We’re well and truly in the middle of winter, with a couple of ice-cold months still ahead of us. Staying healthy at this time of year takes a little extra effort. With naturally lower immunity and a...


High Carb Days: Boosting Recovery and Performance

High Carb Days: Boosting Recovery and Performance

By Moritz Neumann Nutrition is a tough subject to navigate these days, seeing as there are so many ways to approach it. Although it’s made slightly easier given that we are either athletes or fitness enthusiasts, meaning performance becomes a...


Healthy Athletes Last Longer

Healthy Athletes Last Longer

By Moritz Neumann We are witnessing more and more elite athletes lasting longer in their careers due to a simple truth: they are taking better care of themselves. More and more people are now able to sustain levels of training...


Your Guide To Managing Muscle Soreness

Your Guide To Managing Muscle Soreness

By Moritz Neumann Muscle soreness, also known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), can really hold back your performance if left untreated for too long. When left unchecked, soreness can dramatically reduce strength gains, slow your speed, and lower your...


Debunking Common Nutritional Myths for Athletes

Debunking Common Nutritional Myths for Athletes

Debunking Common Nutritional Myths for Athletes   As athletes, your performance is not just determined by your training regimen but also by what you fuel your body with. However, amidst the plethora of nutritional advice available, it's easy to get...


Declan Rice On His Pre-Match Nutrition Of Sea Bass & Rice

Declan Rice über seine Ernährung mit Wolfsbarsch und Reis vor dem Spiel

Declan Rice ist derzeit einer der herausragenden jungen Spieler im englischen Fußball und bekannt für seine Körperlichkeit im Mittelfeld. Obwohl er eine spielerische Persönlichkeit hat, nimmt er seine Ernährung, Fitnessarbeit und Erholungsroutine sehr ernst und führt seine Teamkollegen an, indem...


6 Foods That Can Support Your Mental Health

6 Lebensmittel, die Ihre psychische Gesundheit unterstützen können

Wir denken viel über die körperlichen Auswirkungen dessen nach, was wir als Sportler essen, aber unsere Ernährung kann auch einen großen Einfluss auf unsere geistige Gesundheit haben. Die Forschung zeigt, dass die Verwendung von Interventionen zur Änderung der Ernährung von...


Best Immune-Boosting Supplements For Athletes

Beste immunstärkende Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für Sportler

Die Erkältungs- und Grippesaison 2022-23 scheint eine der schlimmsten der letzten Zeit in Großbritannien zu sein. Für Sportler stellt dies eine echte Bedrohung für die Konsistenz unseres Trainings dar. Nichts ist frustrierender als ein Stopp-Start-Trainingsblock, weil man sich immer wieder...
