#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Series
Warm-Up 3 Rounds:200m Run10 Air Squats10 Walking Lunges5 Burpees Workout 10 Rounds for Time:100m Run20m Burpee Broad Jumps100m Run20m Walking Lunges (bodyweight only) Time Cap: 40 minutes Notes: This workout requires only 10 meters of floor space. The run should...
IT TAKES TWO – Zara's Valentine's Workout Not everything needs to be shared, but when it comes to burning calories and pushing through reps, having a workout partner can make all the difference. This Valentine’s Day, challenge yourself and your...
The Half HYROX Sim Whether you're a HYROX beginner or an experienced athlete preparing for your next race, it doesn't matter how experienced you are—it's time to add a Half HYROX Simulation to your week of workouts. Perfect for benchmarking...
Never let the fear of being a beginner stop you from doing something. That’s a reminder my dad gave me this week as he stepped back into the gym with me after a long time away. Many of you are...
#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Series
Kick off 2025 With Your Training Partner Warm-Up Start with 3 rounds of controlled movements to prep your body: 50 Alternating Single Unders 5 Squat to Stand 10 Push-ups (or kneeling push-ups) 10 Alternating Cossack Squats (2-second pause at the...
December Conditioning Workout: HYROX & CrossFit Twist Another great way to get ahead before the new year starts is to add in additional conditioning workouts to help torch calories, build your endurance, and allow you to have fun doing it....
Jake Dearden: A Week Of Workouts
Team BFA's Jake Dearden has delivered the goods again with a FULL week of training to reach your maximum potential. Whether you want to finish 2024 off with a bang, or save and dive straight into it in the new...