#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Series
Warm-Up 3 Rounds:200m Run10 Air Squats10 Walking Lunges5 Burpees Workout 10 Rounds for Time:100m Run20m Burpee Broad Jumps100m Run20m Walking Lunges (bodyweight only) Time Cap: 40 minutes Notes: This workout requires only 10 meters of floor space. The run should...
By Jonny Pain And so we arrive at my final article of this series for Built For Athletes. My goal with these pieces has been to provoke some thought around how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive training, often presented...
We’ve officially powered through January, the month of fresh starts, big resolutions, and renewed motivation. But as the novelty of the new year fades, many of us start to notice that life is creeping back into its usual routine—and with...
The Half HYROX Sim Whether you're a HYROX beginner or an experienced athlete preparing for your next race, it doesn't matter how experienced you are—it's time to add a Half HYROX Simulation to your week of workouts. Perfect for benchmarking...
Jake Dearden's 2025 Fitness Checklist
As the new year approaches, it’s time to leave behind the old and prepare for fresh opportunities to challenge yourself, both physically and mentally. Whether you’re preparing for your first HYROX, aiming to shave minutes off your race time, or...
#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Series
Kick off 2025 With Your Training Partner Warm-Up Start with 3 rounds of controlled movements to prep your body: 50 Alternating Single Unders 5 Squat to Stand 10 Push-ups (or kneeling push-ups) 10 Alternating Cossack Squats (2-second pause at the...