Training Log News
#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Series
Warm-Up 3 Rounds:200m Run10 Air Squats10 Walking Lunges5 Burpees Workout 10 Rounds for Time:100m Run20m Burpee Broad Jumps100m Run20m Walking Lunges (bodyweight only) Time Cap: 40 minutes Notes: This workout requires only 10 meters of floor space. The run should...
IT TAKES TWO – Zara's Valentine's Workout Not everything needs to be shared, but when it comes to burning calories and pushing through reps, having a workout partner can make all the difference. This Valentine’s Day, challenge yourself and your...
Hybrid Athlete Training Plan – Sample Hyrox Workouts Below are three sample training days taken from a 6-day-per-week Hybrid training program. Feel free to try them, but remember—these workouts are best experienced as part of a progressive program. Day 1...
The Half HYROX Sim Whether you're a HYROX beginner or an experienced athlete preparing for your next race, it doesn't matter how experienced you are—it's time to add a Half HYROX Simulation to your week of workouts. Perfect for benchmarking...
Never let the fear of being a beginner stop you from doing something. That’s a reminder my dad gave me this week as he stepped back into the gym with me after a long time away. Many of you are...
#WOTW: Jake Dearden HYROX Series
Kick off 2025 With Your Training Partner Warm-Up Start with 3 rounds of controlled movements to prep your body: 50 Alternating Single Unders 5 Squat to Stand 10 Push-ups (or kneeling push-ups) 10 Alternating Cossack Squats (2-second pause at the...