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It's A Myth That Heavy Training Weakens Your Immune System

Es ist ein Mythos, dass schweres Training Ihr Immunsystem schwächt

Have you ever been told high intensity training leaves you more vulnerable to illnesses? It’s a widely held belief that emerged in the 1980s and ‘90s called “open window theory”.The idea is that there’s an open window for illness to...


Are You Drinking Too Much Caffeine & Can It Hurt Your Training?

Trinkst du zu viel Koffein und kann es deinem Training schaden?

Caffeine can be a great tool to get your body and mind recharged and ready for action.Whether it’s through coffee, tea, energy drinks, pre-workouts or tablets, the amount of caffeine we consume can mount up quickly.Unfortunately, taking too much can...


The Diet & Training Regime Behind Dina Asher-Smith's Sprinting Success

Das Ernährungs- und Trainingsprogramm hinter Dina Asher-Smiths Sprinterfolg

Dina Asher-Smith, die ihre Laufstrecken sicherlich nicht vergessen hat, trainiert immer noch auf derselben Leichtathletikbahn in Bromley, auf der sie als Achtjährige trainierte. Zusammen mit einer Fülle von Talenten hat sie eine intelligente Herangehensweise an ihren Sport und ist in...


Eddie Hall Reveals His Daily Cryotherapy & Red Light Heat Recovery Routine

Eddie Hall enthüllt seine tägliche Kryotherapie- und Rotlicht-Wärmerückgewinnungsroutine

We all have our own recovery habits that we try to stick to and the best athleten are usually the most consistent in taking care of the little things.  Eddie Hall is no exception to that. The 2017 World’s Strongest...


Top 6 Protein Bars For Convenient Post-Workout Nutrition

Top 6 Proteinriegel für eine bequeme Ernährung nach dem Training

Protein intake has become a top priority for athleten to ensure adequate recovery and improvements. With such high demand, the protein bar industry has grown in size to £3.29bn globally in 2019, and is projected to reach nearly £5bn by...


2 Techniques Elite Athletes Use To Perform Under Pressure

2 Techniques Elite Athleten Use To Perform Under Pressure

Physical conditioning is a huge part of the puzzle for an athlete, but it’s worthless if you don’t have the mental skills to be able to perform when it matters.One quality all great champions have in common is the ability...


Do Multivitamins Really Help You Stay Healthy?

Helfen Multivitamine Ihnen wirklich, gesund zu bleiben?

Multivitamins are the most widely used dietary supplements, and a lot of athleten take them religiously to support their nutritional needs. Staying on top of illnesses and ensuring your body has all the nutrients to recover properly from hard sessions...


How Long Does It Take Your Body To Feel Fitness Gains After A Workout?

Wie lange dauert es, bis Ihr Körper nach einem Training Fitnessgewinne spürt?

Wir alle würden gerne ein genaues Datum angeben können, wann wir die Auswirkungen einer harten Sitzung spüren werden, aber leider ist es nicht so einfach. Unsere Körper sind alle einzigartig. Die Zeit, die Sie benötigen, um sich von einem Training...


Should Athletes Skip Breakfast To Improve Gut Health?

Should Athleten Skip Breakfast To Improve Gut Health?

Breakfast has a long-lived reputation as being the most important meal of the day, but more and more of us are skipping it all together in the name of intermittent fasting.  Although it’s been around for centuries in various cultures...
