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What Fitness Training Do F1 Drivers Do?

What Fitness Training Do F1 Drivers Do?

Unfortunately, Formula 1 is one of the many sports to have been affected by the Coronavirus outbreak, with the start of the season being postponed. Not only has this caused major upset for fans all over the world, but it’s...

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Home Workouts For Crossfit

Home Workouts For Crossfit

Home workouts benefit athletes by performing body weight exercise to practicebalance/technique and use body weight as a variable of weight. Through exercising body weight, injury prevention will be maximised. By strengthening to move body weight, joints, tendons and ligaments will...

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5 Wattbike Workouts To Improve Fitness

5 Wattbike Workouts To Improve Fitness

Wattbikes are a popular tool for improving various areas of cardiovascular fitness. There are several different workouts that you can use to target specific energy systems and it’s important to know what you’re trying to achieve in each session. Here,...

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Mobility: So Hot Right Now

Mobility: So Hot Right Now

The argument for working on mobility vs flexibility to benefit training and every day activity. Is range of motion as important as strength in movement?

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6 Resistance Band Warm-Up Exercises

6 Resistance Band Warm-Up Exercises

We all know the importance of implementing a thorough warm-up routine to minimise injury risk and increase performance.  Resistance bands are a great piece of equipment to incorporate into that process. Here are six resistance band exercises to try before...

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Australian & Brazil CrossFit Championship Reports

Australian & Brazil CrossFit Championship Reports

Six more invitations were awarded to the 2020 CrossFit Games at the Australian CrossFit Championship and the Brazil CrossFit Championship. In the Australian event on the Gold Coast, leaderboards were dominated by home athletes as Jay Crouch, Kara Saunders and...

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Top 7 CrossFit Books

Top 7 CrossFit Books

There’s a surprisingly large amount of literature on CrossFit considering it’s only a 20-year-old sport. With so much out there, it’s tricky to know what to pick up first.  So here, Built for Athletes has broken down seven of our...

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Metcon & Conditioning WOD

Metcon & Conditioning WOD

Weekly MetconFor time500m row30, 20, 10Hang Power CleanPull UpsKettlebell Swings (24/16kg)Burpees Weekly Conditioning (Rowing)5-minute window65 calorie burnMax effort burpees in remaining time.x2 5-minute rest between sets score = how many burpees completed 5 minutes45 burpeesMax calorie burn in remaining timex2...

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A Day In The Life of a Competitive CrossFitter

A Day In The Life of a Competitive CrossFitter

Meet Libby Bearman, the newest member of the Built For Athletes family. She trains hard, and she writes harder - here we get to know her and her training. I’ve always led an ‘active lifestyle’ and enjoyed hockey, cross country,...

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