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Demand for home workout tips and routines have gone through the roof since the Covid-19 outbreak as athletes seek out knowledge on the best ways to train from home. 

The fitness community has never dealt with gym closures on this scale, and it’s led to a need for creativity when approaching training. 

If you’re struggling with motivation, psychologists will tell you to flip the way you’re perceiving the situation and see this as an opportunity to learn new skills and become a more rounded athlete.

So, here are five strength exercises you can try at home.

Single-Leg Glute Bridges

Working out from home with little equipment around creates a need for bodyweight exercises, and performing these unilaterally where possible will ensure the best return out of a light load. 

The single-leg glute bridge isolates the glute and hamstring muscles on each leg.

Simply lie on the floor with your knees bent, then raise one leg up. Lift your hip off the floor by driving explosively through your heel. Squeeze the glute at the top of the movement and repeat. 

If you have an exercise band, you can loop it around your knees to increase resistance.

Pike Push-Ups

Often used as a training exercise to build up to the handstand push-up, this vertical-pressing technique activates a range of muscle groups.

From a standing start, put your hands on the floor with your legs straight (this looks similar to the downward dog yoga pose). Flex your elbows to lower your head to the floor and push back up. 

Door-Frame Rows

Using what’s available in innovative ways can make for fun new workouts, even if they aren’t ideal. Door-frame rows are a good example of this. 

Grab the door-frame with each hand, lean back and perform a row.

Goblet Squats

Goblet squats are a go-to for tons of home workout routines. They’re usually done with a kettlebell, but if you don’t have one then just find a heavy object, like a big book for example.

Hold your item in front of your chest and perform a standard squat.

Pistol Squats

As mentioned in the intro, the current situation is an opportunity to brush up on your technique, and the piston squat is an exercise you can do at home which takes a good amount of practice to master.

Extend one leg out in front of you and then perform a squat on the other, doing your best to keep your balance. 


If you’re new to this and are struggling, you can start by holding on to a chair to get used to the movement.

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