Kostenloser Versand für Rucksäcke

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HYROX Training Workout

Get race-ready with this HYROX-inspired workout, perfect for building endurance, strength, and power.

Part 1: Endurance AMRAP (45 Minutes)

  • 1000m Run
  • 1000m Ski Erg
  • 1000m Row

Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes at a steady pace and focus on building your cardio endurance.

Part 2: Strength & Power AMRAP (15 Minutes)

  • 25m Sled Push ( @ race weight: 102 / 73 kg)
  • 25m Burpee Broad Jumps

Push for maximum rounds in 15 minutes, focusing on explosive strength and control.

Gear up for your next HYROX with a workout designed to build the endurance, strength, and power you’ll need. Part 1 builds your aerobic base, keeping your pace solid over longer distances, while Part 2 sharpens explosive strength and mental grit for high-intensity movements. Add this to your routine to push stamina, elevate performance, and feel ready for all HYROX demands!


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