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Never let the fear of being a beginner stop you from doing something. That’s a reminder my dad gave me this week as he stepped back into the gym with me after a long time away.

Many of you are slowly getting back into your routines post-holiday season, and I know gym anxiety or the fear of facing challenges can feel very real.

Here’s Your Reminder:

  • It’s ok if you’re running slightly slower or building back up your volume.
  • It’s ok if your form isn’t textbook perfect or you’re not lifting the same weights as before the festive season.

3 Tips to Help You Get Back Into Training Without Overwhelm

  1. Start Small

    • Reduce the frequency of your sessions for the first few weeks.
    • Prioritize form over weight to rebuild your foundation.
  2. Manage Expectations

    • Leave your ego at the door. It’s unrealistic to expect PBs on your first session back.
    • Focus on improving your technique and building confidence with each exercise.
  3. Go With a Plan

    • Avoid wandering around the gym not knowing what to do.
    • A structured plan ensures you maximize your session and progress towards your goals.

Quick Sweat Session: EMOM25

Looking for a workout that’s effective and doesn’t require too much thought? Try this EMOM25 session (Every Minute on the Minute for 25 minutes). You’ll complete five rounds of the following:

  • Minute 1: 5 Burpees to Plate + 5 Hand Release Push-Ups (scale as needed)
  • Minute 2: 16 American KB Swings (28/24/16kg)
  • Minute 3: 10/8 Assault or Echo Bike Calories
  • Minute 4: 18 Wallballs (9/6/4kg)
  • Minute 5: REST


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