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Through training programs power is overlooked. However, power is a critical component to all training. When force is generated power is generated. All exercises must be performed with force or the weight will not be moved. The shortest movements i.e. bicep curls, force is still needed to generate fast twitch to curl the weight and complete the repetition. 

 Physiology of the muscle

Two main fibers through the body are Type 1 and Type 2 fibers. Type 1 fibers are slow twitch and aerobic. Type 2 are fast twitch and anaerobic. The training stimulus will be greater in one direction depending on the style i.e distance running or sprints. Power training falls beneath the Type 2 fibers. 


By performing power training, the greater the weight will be lifted/moved. Power training simply has the individual applying force at a fast pace to max speed. The greater the acceleration the shorter the period of reaching max speed. Therefore, applying power, acceleration drills through a program is essential to move a greater weight. 

Plyometrics are known to many people. However, plyometrics has a wider selection other than jumping on the spot or jumping a distance. 

 Lower body – S = single leg, D = double leg 

Squat Jumps (S & D)

Broad Jumps (S & D)

Box jumps (S & D) – Double leg take off, single leg land

Drop Jumps (S & D) – Dropping down from a platform and jumping vertical once landed. 

Bounding (S & D) – Long striding running style 

Upper Body

Hand Release Press Ups 

Clap press ups 


Med Ball Throw / med ball horizontal throw

Workout 1 

5 Jump Squats 

5 Broad Jumps 

x5 sets 

5 Box Jumps

5 Drop jumps 

X5 sets

Workout 2 – EMOM 10minutes 

5 Broad Jumps

5 Clap Press Ups 

5 Jump Squats 

Alasdair Hamilton MSc Sp&Ex Phys, BSc SpSci Instagram: alasdairhamilton

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