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5 Supplements That Can Improve Brain Function

5 Supplements That Can Improve Brain Function

While supplements are typically taken to enhance physical adaptations and health, there is evidence that some products can improve brain functioning. So here, Built for Athletes has compiled a list of five of them with a little explanation of what...

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7 Inspirational Sports Films

7 Inspirational Sports Films

Our eyes have been drawn to screens even more frequently than usual in the last few weeks. If you’re starting to look around for new ideas of things to watch, why not get yourself inspired and pumped up by watching...

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Plyometrics & Power

Plyometrics & Power

Through training programs power is overlooked. However, power is a critical component to all training. When force is generated power is generated. All exercises must be performed with force or the weight will not be moved. The shortest movements i.e....

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5 Ways To Manage Your Mental Health During Isolation

5 Ways To Manage Your Mental Health During Isolation

There’s an acute level of uncertainty for all of us at the moment and it’s led to a big increase in the numbers of people feeling anxiety or depression according to researchers at the universities of Sheffield and Ulster. Some...

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What Is Functional Threshold Power?

What Is Functional Threshold Power?

Functional threshold power is a common training term used by cyclists. It’s a tool that can help you track your progression and chart your way through levels of fitness. But what actually is functional threshold power and how can you...

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How To Train To Heart Rate Effectively

How To Train To Heart Rate Effectively

Heart rate training is a subject which splits opinion. Some coaches swear by it and encourage their athletes to make the most of technology while others see it as a dangerous over complication. In decades gone by, athletes managed to...

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5 Ways To Measure If You’re Overtraining

5 Ways To Measure If You’re Overtraining

Athletes often run a tight line between trying to get the best out of themselves and overtraining the body.  Overtraining is one of the most frustrating things in sport - it’s a bit of a sick irony that by trying...

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Backpack Workouts

Backpack Workouts

Working out at home can be a struggle when the mentality of the individual is along the lines of ‘I need weight’ ‘I need to push and pull’. However, thinking outside of the box and how the style of many...

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5 Areas Of Fitness Everyone Can Improve During Coronavirus Lockdown

5 Areas Of Fitness Everyone Can Improve During Coronavirus Lockdown

Gyms are closed and you’re only allowed out once a day, so many have resigned themselves to an easy training load or a break from working out altogether. But there is still plenty you can do to improve your fitness...

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