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Conseils de Jake : Cette séance d'entraînement est en fait un événement HYROX divisé en 4 sections. Cela nous permet de pousser fort en sachant que chaque section ne durera que 12 à 20 minutes. Je recommande des poids HYROX pour tous les exercices. L'objectif est de terminer chaque séance d'entraînement le plus rapidement possible. Si vous le faites avec un partenaire, divisez toutes les stations en parts égales et courez ensemble sur les parcours.

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#WOTW: Jonny Pain Series

#WOTW: Jonny Pain Series

Hybrid Athlete Training Plan – Sample Hyrox Workouts Below are three sample training days taken from a 6-day-per-week Hybrid training program. Feel free to try them, but remember—these workouts are best experienced as part of a progressive program. Day 1...


Who's Really Hybrid?

Who's Really Hybrid?

By Jonny Pain And so we arrive at my final article of this series for Built For Athletes. My goal with these pieces has been to provoke some thought around how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive training, often presented...


Succeeding Beyond January

Succeeding Beyond January

We’ve officially powered through January, the month of fresh starts, big resolutions, and renewed motivation. But as the novelty of the new year fades, many of us start to notice that life is creeping back into its usual routine—and with...
