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Getting the body recovered in time for its next big session between training sessions is an important part of any athlete’s regime. Without repairing properly, performance can slip, overtraining may occur and vital adaptations fail to take place.

Here, Built for Athletes has listed five ways to help speed up the recovery process.

Putting some form of fuel into your system within the first 40 minutes after finishing exercise has been shown to greatly improve the efficiency of the recovery process.
Failing to do so results in blood sugar levels failing to return to normal. Make sure you eat something, even if it’s just a snack, in order to avoid this, and then have a
balanced meal with a good mix of protein, carbohydrates and fat.

The body repairs itself while you sleep, so depriving it of enough bedtime rest slows down the recovery process. In addition, ingesting protein right before sleep has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis throughout the night

Stay Hydrated
Replacing your depleted water supplies after exercise helps improve many of the body’s functions. Water supports a wide range of metabolic processes. Drinking fluids is even more important after cardio or endurance sessions when you lose electrolytes through sweat.

Deep Tissue Massage
Although you may have to deal with some short-term pain, receiving a deep tissue massage can assist recovery by stimulating blood flow to the muscles and reducing inflammation. A masseuse can also help alleviate niggles and keep delayed onset muscle soreness at bay.

Foam Roll

Investing in a foam roller can greatly improve recovery rate. It’s an easy thing to do in front of the TV or any time you have a few spare minutes that can get your body ready for it’s next workout. Rolling out your muscles helps get blood flowing into them to flush out lactic acid.

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