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Adding in some creative callisthenics exercises to your workouts is a great way to improve the variety of your sessions.
There are some brutal body-weight movements out there which are not only useful for increasing strength, but are also fun - a quality that’s certainly important in any training regime.
So here are some different options to experiment with.

Skin The Cat

Performed with gymnastics rings or just a bar if once you get more experienced, the skin the cat works your core and helps develop full range of motion in the shoulders. From a dead hang position, you pull your legs up until your feet come over the top of your head and then continue rotating until your hips follow all the way over the top as well.

Back Lever

After performing the skin the cat, a more challenging progression is the back lever.
From the finishing position of the previous move, extend your toes out until you reach a plank-like position while still hanging from the bar or gymnastics rings.
Keep your core tight and hold.

Weighted Burpees

A traditional burpee might seem a little boring, but it’s mightily effective.
Perform it with a dumbbell in each hand to give yourself a more demanding workout.

Flexed Arm Hangs

Just thinking of these makes my biceps feel a little numb. A popular drill in the US Marine Corps, this exercise tests how long a person can hang with their chin above a bar. Not only is it a test of upper-body strength and endurance, but also mental capacity.

Handstand Push-Up

The handstand push-up is another all-round test of upper-body and core strength. Begin in a hand-stand position before lowering your head to the ground and pressing back to the starting position.

Hanging Knee Raise

Hanging knee raises will give you a nice burn across your entire abdomen. While hanging from a bar, simply raise your knees to a 90-degree angle and slowly lower them back down. Be bold and aim for a high number of reps.

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