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Rowing performance can be considerably improved by specific resistance exercises that target the muscles involved in the rowing stroke.

Educating yourself on which exercises to utilise will help you improve form and power output so you can row faster for longer.

Here are four simple strength exercises to do in the gym that will make you better in the water or on the rowing machine.

Front Squat

The front squat requires a more upright torso than the back squat, so it better targets the core, upper back and quads. The lowest position is also very similar to the catch portion of the row, making it more specific to the sport. It also slightly reduces injury risk compared to a back squat because less force is being placed on the back due to a more upright torso.

Romanian Deadlift

Romanian Deadlifts target the hamstrings, glutes and back. It improves flexibility too by stretching the hamstrings on the lowering portion of each rep. The movement through the hips is also similar to that of a rowing action.

Military Press

Strength in the upper back, shoulders and arms is crucial to applying the power from the lower body on to the oar. The military press helps build this strength by targeting all three areas. Whether it’s performed with a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells, this exercise can also help to improve posture by strengthening the upper back.

YWT Raise

YWT raises require mental strength that any rower needs to possess in abundance. They help build strength across the mid and upper back which is crucial for stability and power. Like other exercises that target the upper back, they can improve posture and require a relatively low load to do so.

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