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If you’re after a CrossFit workout that’s short, sharp and brutal, Rich Froning has one for you.

Froning is a CrossFit legend, having been crowned Fittest Man on Earth four years in a row between 2011 and 2014.

During the early years of the sport, he gained a reputation for training virtually all day every day at his home in Cookeville, Tennessee.

He now owns and operates his own gym, CrossFit Mayhem, and has won a string of titles in the CrossFit team division so he has extensive experience in designing workouts.

And he says the below classic CrossFit session is his favourite workout to do in under 10 minutes according to an article published by

Push Press

60kg for men or 45kg for women.

5 sets, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps


5 sets, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps


5 sets, 30 reps

It’s a brutal workout completed for time, taking no rest between sets so the only breaks you get are in the transitions.

Froning says anything under five minutes is an elite time, but if you can get below seven you’re doing very well.

His advice is to focus on moving the bar in a straight line up and down on the push press to avoid wasting energy, staying active through your shoulders at the bottom of the pull-up, and keeping your hands close to your body during the double-unders.

If the workout is running well over 10 minutes, try making some adjustments so you don’t miss the point of the session because the purpose is to operate at a very high intensity.

Try lowering the weight or even switching the pull-ups to inverted rows or the double-unders to lateral bar hops.

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