Build your aerobic erg-durance
The HYROX 23/24 season is officially over so for many of us it's now time to turn our focus to the upcoming 24/25 season. For myself and many of my clients, now is the time to start laying the foundations across areas of your race that might need work - be it strength, running or general fitness. 
For me, this period is about building my engine and improving my cardiovascular fitness / aerobic endurance (basically - the ability to sustain moderate intensities over an extended period of time without fatiguing). Whilst I love a long 'easy paced' run (where the goal is to keep at a conversational pace). I also enjoy other forms of conditioning, where the focus still remains the same, but there's a bit more variety involved including ergs, body-weight, DB or KB movements. Ergs like the ski, bike or rower are less taxing on your joints but can still provide you with the right intensity to build your aerobic endurance.
Try this workout:

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