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By Moritz Neumann 

*This article is for those who WANT to stay on track in the lead up to Christmas. Enjoy this motivational note from CrossFit athlete Moz.*

**If you're ready to let your hair down and enjoy the festive period with all of the trimmings, stop reading here! There is no right or wrong way to 'do' Christmas - just make sure to do what makes you feel good.**

The festive season is right around the corner—a time for some downtime, social events, and, let’s be honest, an abundance of food and drink.

We want you to think about not letting routines slip too soon. By creating awareness now, it can save you in January when everyone else is scrambling to get back into a training routine and cleaner eating.

It’s currently 12 days to Christmas day, which means there is still almost 2 full weeks to:

  • Stay on track with your eating, minimising treats.
  • Get as many workouts done as you can.
  • Add in conditioning sessions for extra calorie burn.

When the festive period arrives, mentally you will be in a great position and less likely to go off the rails. You will be so much further ahead compared to people who use the excuse of, “Bugger it, it’s Christmas.”

By all means indulge and enjoy yourself, but a little bit of awareness now will go a long way. Once 2025 comes, you will be so glad you did this.

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