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Sled pull is a station that has one of the largest variabilities in terms of finishing times.

Strength and muscular endurance can often be one of the limiting factors when it comes to the pull. If you’re looking to improve your sled pull this season, give this workout a save! 

Notes for Part A: 

Perform dead-stop deadlifts rather than bouncing the bar off the floor between reps. The primary goal is to build strength in this movement so practice resetting and concentrating on form every rep, rather than relying on the momentum of the bar, in the initial part of the pull. 

Notes for Part B:

*For the BB Bent Over Row, choose a weight that’s an RPE7; something that you can string multiple reps together, with good form, but also still provides challenge. We’re creating fatigue so the sled pull feels compromised as it will on race day, with where it falls in the race! 

Depending upon your HYROX division and experience, choose a weight that suits you, for the sled pull too. 


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