Spice Up Your Running

Spice Up Your Running

Looking to spice up your next run? Here are 8 tried and tested run formats that you’ve probably never heard of…

  • Fartlek Pyramid:
    • Warm up for 10 minutes.
    • Run hard for 1 minute, then jog for 1 minute.
    • Run hard for 2 minutes, then jog for 2 minutes.
    • Continue this pattern, increasing the hard running time until you reach a peak, and then work your way back down.
  • Hill Sprints with Walk Down:
    • Find a steep hill.
    • Sprint to the top as fast as you can.
    • Walk or jog back down to recover.
    • Repeat for a set number of sprints.
  • Obstacle Course Run:
    • Set up a makeshift obstacle course in a park or wooded area.
    • Include hurdles, cones, fallen logs, and other obstacles.
    • Run through the course, incorporating speed and agility.
  • Deck of Cards Run:
    • Assign a different exercise to each suit of cards (e.g., hearts = push-ups, diamonds = squats, clubs = lunges, spades = burpees).
    • Shuffle the deck and draw cards while running.
    • Do the corresponding exercise for the number on the card.
  • Shadow Boxing Intervals:
    • Run for a designated time or distance.
    • Stop and perform a set of shadow boxing exercises (jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts).
    • Resume running and repeat at intervals.
  • Sand Run:
    • Find a beach or sandy area.
    • Run on the sand, which adds resistance and engages different muscles.
    • You can also incorporate intervals or sprints.
  • Musical Intervals:
    • Create a playlist with songs of varying tempos.
    • Change your running pace with each song change.
    • For example, sprint during fast songs and jog during slower ones.
  • Reverse Ladder:
    • Start with a long-distance run (e.g., 1 mile).
    • Then do a set of exercises (e.g., push-ups, squats).
    • Decrease the running distance and increase the exercise repetitions in a reverse ladder fashion.

Remember to tailor these workouts to your fitness level and consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider if you have any concerns about the suitability of these workouts for you.


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