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At times of crisis, feelings of stress and anxiety are normal so it’s particularly important to actively look after your mental health.

One way of doing this is to make your environment feel safe and calming, something that can be achieved with plants. 

Let’s take a look at five of the most effective plants at boosting your wellbeing.


Lavender has been known for it’s relaxing and calming properties for centuries.

And research [Hyperlink:] has shown the herb can improve sleep quality as well as increase feelings of wakefulness during the day.

Aloe Vera

In most plants, the process of photosynthesis stops at night when the sun goes down, meaning they stop converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.

However, succulents continue emitting oxygen. 

One succulent is aloe vera, which is often found in bedrooms for that reason.

By making the air purer, it induces a better night’s sleep.


Orchids are not a succulent but still do continue to produce oxygen at night.

Therefore, having them near you during the evening hours, whether that’s during sleep or during the hours leading up to it, can also promote quality rest.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are one of the most popular house plants going, partly because you can easily create a new plant by snipping off one of their plantlets. 

But the property that makes them effective from a wellbeing point of view is their effectiveness at removing toxins from the air.

These toxins include carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.


A study by NASA [Hyperlink:] found that bromeliads were among the most effective at removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air in buildings.

According to researchers, VOCs can cause dizziness and reduce productivity. 

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