On October 12th, Rob James will embark on a monumental endurance challenge, HYROX At Height, in the Lake District—summiting Skiddaw 8 times in under 24 hours while tackling all 8 HYROX stations in between. This incredible feat is not just...
Workout 1: Beginner – Mini Sandbag Lunge Much? Complete all lunges with HYROX race weight For time, complete the following: 2000m C2 Bike + 120m Sandbag Lunges 1800m C2 Bike + 100m Sandbag Lunges 1600m C2 Bike + 80m Sandbag...
Warm-Up 3 minutes bike erg 2 rounds of: 10 air squats 5 chest to floor walkouts 30 second plank Strength 5 back squats every 90 seconds x 8 Coach notes:Load from a rack. Start light and increase to a 5RM...
Guide To The CrossFit Games 2024