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Through this time of ‘unsure’ and an apocalypse, maintaining intensity as of CrossFit workouts might be difficult to program. However, workouts can still maintain the same level of intensity by variations or a quick thought on how to replicate a movement. I.e. Pull ups for lying floor pulls. By activating the same muscle groups (latissimus dorsi) to replicate the movement, lying on the floor and generating a force with your hands driving yourself forward with a slide will ensure the same intensity is achieved if no pull up bar/rig is available to be used.

Body weight exercises can take a step back from weighted exercises to
provide a greater physical challenging element to test weaknesses. Remember basics should always be re visited to improve stability and balance for the big lifts.

To increase the intensity of workouts rep ranges and rounds can be tailored to individual’s fitness.

Below are a range of CrossFit workouts to try at home. NO NEED FOR EQUIPMENT.

At Home Annie
Double Unders/Lateral Jumps
Sit Ups

At Home Angie
100 pull ups/ no equipment ‘Lying Floor Pulls’
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

At Home Barbara
20 Pull Ups/Lying floor pulls
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
Rest 3 minutes – repeat 5 rounds

At Home Nancy
400m run
15 overhead squats (can be done with a broomstick/weight if available)
5 rounds for time.

Hero WOD Michael
3 rounds for time
800m run
50 back extensions
50 sit ups

Alasdair Hamilton MSc Sport & Exercise Physiology - Instagram: alasdair hamilton


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