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Every minute on minute is a workout styled to provide rest during rounds or sets. The abbreviation of EMOM can be varied with minutes I.e. EMO2M, EMO5M etc. Each minute stated as a EMOM you begin a new movement. By exercising in this way, a heavy weight (exercise) can be performed due to having a rest period between the new minute I.e. Finish the first exercise at 30 seconds you will have a 30 second rest before the next exercise. 
The variation of EMOM can be varied through odd or even numbers, example of this is every odd number the same exercise is performed (cleans) every odd dumber a different exercise is performed (burpees). Each exercises rep range will be low to complete in enough time for rest. To maintain a good pace, aerobic endurance is a must.

Heavy EMOM : 21 minutes - 7 rounds

3 Power Cleans 90% 
5 box jumps 
20 DU's (double unders)

EMOM 30 minutes

1st minute - 8 burpee box jumps
2nd minute - 10 wall balls + 10 press ups 
3rd minute - 12 cal assault bike

EMOM 15 minutes

6 Front Rack Lunges
7 Power Cleans
8 Shoulder to Overhead

To design an EMOM. choose 3-4 stations as a circuit, each station is a minute long. Move onto the next station at the minute and begin. Complete to the completed minute decision. (10,20,30).

Alasdair Hamilton 
MSc Sport & Exercise Physiology 
BSc Sport & Exercise Science 
Instagram: alasdair hamilton

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