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Why Strong Glutes & Hamstrings Are Essential... 

With Moritz Neumann

One of the very best ways to proactively encourage improved athletic performance and reduce your risk to injury is building STRONG glutes and hamstrings.

These muscles play a pivotal role in supporting lower back stability, protecting the knees, and maximising athletic potential.

Today, we are going to discuss this, and of course, help you learn how to apply this within your own context...

The glutes and hamstrings are an integral part of the posterior chain, which comprises the muscles along the backside of the body. These muscles work together to facilitate powerful movements such as sprinting, jumping, changing direction, and explosiveness in sports. 

However, their significance extends beyond athleticism. Strong glutes and hamstrings are also crucial for maintaining lower back stability, preventing knee injuries, and providing overall functional strength.

Here are 3 of the best exercises to help build athleticism within the hamstrings and glutes... 


1. Nordic Curl... 

The Nordic curl is a challenging exercise that targets the hamstrings, primarily the eccentric phase of the movement. It does more than increase hamstring strength, as it also enhances the muscle's ability to withstand high forces, reducing the risk of strain or tears.


2. Glute Ham Raise...

The glute ham raise is another exercise that targets the hamstrings and glutes simultaneously. It involves extending and flexing the knees while keeping the hips extended, effectively engaging the posterior chain. The glute ham raise is excellent for developing the strength and power necessary for explosive movements. Furthermore, it establishes improved balance between the hamstrings and quadriceps, which can reduce strain on the knee joint, protecting it from common sports-related injuries such as ACL tears.


3. 45-Degree Reverse Hyperextensions...

The 45-degree reverse hyperextensions specifically target the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. This exercise involves lying face down on an inclined bench and lifting the torso upward against gravity. This is amazing for lower back stability, while encouraging improved performance in the hamstrings and glutes. This exercise is particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with lower back pain or wish to bulletproof their spine against future injuries.


Lots of athletes spend time building their big lifts, and often neglect key exercises for areas of their body which can quickly become the weak link in the chain. Using the above movements will help bulletproof your lower back, hamstrings and knees!


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